Animatic Storyboard re-do

We addressed a few issues in our music video and decided to re-do the storyboard.

The main issue in our storyboard was the point in the narrative where the protagonists go to bed. We decided that the characters going to bed would not work because we would have to film during the day and night in order to get the affect and that they would have to bring various different outfits which wouldn’t work. So we decided to keep the argument that they have previous to this scene and instead of them then going to bed, boy 2 would go upstaires and rest on his bed distressed and the girl would then go to the corner. Due to this we can insert various editing techniques and camera shot durations in order to build the tension between them which would show our talents a lot better in editing and filming.

The other issues which we have address are much smaller, they don’t change the narrative, instead, we decided to emphasise our talents and use a lot more cuts and shot types. For instance, where the policeman is introduced into the narrative, we will use a close-up of the policeman mouthing the lyrics ‘you can’t stay here’ This way the shot duration is shorter giving us the opportunity to make a few more cuts which keeps the audience engaged.

Again, we are shooting boy 1 differently as he comes out of the house. To speed up the narrative we will have him coming out of his bedroom and cut straight to the street. This will be of him walking. The original music video has parrallel narratives where they shoot him walking down the street then cut to a different scenario where he is just standing still. We will replicate this, however, a little differently. We will have him leaning against a wall as the parrallel narrative. This is so we can shoot him walking off on the lyric ‘ how can i move on when im still in love with you’ which leads us into a different location. Not only does it help to make the transition it helps to emphasise the chorus. The chorus will be mainly filled with the protagonist singing solo. This will be our motif throughout the music video to break up the narrative of the video.

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